Friday, September 5, 2014

Reading: Chapter 6: A Culture of Discipline

Assignment - Deadline: Friday, September 12

A. Post two paragraphs inspired by one or more of the study guide questions/thoughts for the week.

B.  Post two separate comments to one or more of your colleagues reacting to their paragraphs.   

Questions – A Culture of Discipline
  • If "rinsing your cottage cheese" is important, how do you tell *which* cottage cheese is worth rinsing? In other words, if diligent attention to detail is essential, how do we decide which details are important, and which are trivial?
  • Think of two people: One being someone who only sees his or her job as a "job" and the other who understands that he or she has a responsibility. How does this difference play itself out in their work? What should we look for in locating such people?
  • If class distinctions are deeply divisive, then why do organizations persist in creating an executive class that separates itself from those who do the real work? If you ran the whole show, what would you remove to reduce these class distinctions?
  • Do you have a "stop doing" list? What do you put on your "stop doing" list?

Source: “Jim Collins – Good to Great: Discussion Guide.”