Saturday, November 15, 2014

Reading: Chapter 9: From Good to Great to Built to Last

Assignment - Deadline: Friday, December 5, 2014

A. Post two paragraphs inspired by one or more of the study guide questions/thoughts for the week.

B.  Post two separate comments to one or more of your colleagues reacting to their paragraphs.   

Questions – From Good to Great to Built to Last
  • What are your core values?
  • What is your core purpose, beyond just making money?
  • What is your BHAG—Big Hairy Audacious Goal?
  • What is your first five-year base camp on the way to achieving the BHAG?
  • What practices and strategies does your organization have that are dysfunctional and should be open for change?

Source: “Jim Collins – Good to Great: Discussion Guide.”
Reading: Chapter 8: The Flywheel and the Doom Loop

Assignment - Deadline: Friday, November 21. 2014

A. Post two paragraphs inspired by one or more of the study guide questions/thoughts for the week.

B.  Post two separate comments to one or more of your colleagues reacting to their paragraphs.   

Questions – The Flywheel and the Doom Loop
  • Think of two organizations you've observed: one that followed the flywheel principle, and the other that fell into the Doom Loop. What caused the difference between the two? What does your contrast teach about why so many organizations fall into the Doom Loop, rather than building momentum over the long term in the flywheel?
  • How do you know when it is time to change the direction of the flywheel?
  • If big change programs with lots of hoopla, tag lines, launch events, motivational meetings—and so forth—do not lead to greatness, then why are such programs so common? What should be done instead of these programs?
  • How can the flywheel concept apply to your own life and career?

Source: “Jim Collins – Good to Great: Discussion Guide.”

Monday, November 3, 2014

Reading: Chapter 7: Technology Accelerators

Assignment - Deadline: Friday, November 7. 2014

A. Post two paragraphs inspired by one or more of the study guide questions/thoughts for the week.

B.  Post two separate comments to one or more of your colleagues reacting to their paragraphs.   

Questions – Technology Accelerators
  •  If technology cannot make or break a company's level of greatness, but only serves as an accelerator of greatness or demise already in progress, then why did everyone fall in love with technology for technology's sake during the 1990s?
  • Why is there so much hype and fear about new technologies, and what can you do to view new technologies with objective equanimity?

Source: “Jim Collins – Good to Great: Discussion Guide.”